15 Meaningful Ways to Spend Mother’s Day This Year

05. May 2015


Planning a memorable Mother’s Day year after year can be difficult, especially for adult children. It gets harder to get away with cute handmade crafts for Mum as you move away from childhood, so how can you show appreciation for the mother(s) in your life without falling into clichés?

1. Say a heartfelt “thank you” (sometimes this is really all she wants to hear)
2. Create a photo album of favourite memories
3. Take her on a “vacation” – even if it’s not in your budget to actually plan a getaway, why not make an exotically themed event for her right at home?
4. Send her some flowers (potted ones make nice alternatives to bouquets, and they last much longer!)
5. Give her the day off from household chores
6. 3 simple words (“Breakfast in bed”! But “I love you” is a must, too)
7. Gift of giving back (if Mum doesn’t need more “stuff,” why not make a donation in her name to a cause close to her heart?)
8. Family photo shoot (if you have the time, get the whole family together for a special shoot for Mum)
9. Balloon bouquets
10. Homemade baked treats
11. Ask what she wants to do and have fun doing it together!
12. Create a tribute video that takes the family photo shoot one step further
13. Write your favourite memories, and get the whole family to contribute
14. Pamper her, or get pampered together (getting your hair or nails done is a great bonding experience, and shows extra dedication if you’re her son or husband!)
15. Treat to her something you know she wants but won’t buy for herself

Above all, do what Mum wants to do. This day is about making her happy, not satisfying your own need to make a grand gesture, so make sure you’re paying extra attention in the days leading up to Mother’s Day and maybe she’ll drop some helpful hints about the big day.