Tara – The Art of Conversation

16. Sep 2014

Tara - Fine Art of Conversation

There is one very apparent reason why we have nicknamed our Alusi® Tara candle “The Chain.” The alternating stacked squares closely resemble the linked pieces of a chain. However, this idea of links and connections goes well beyond Tara’s physical manifestation and represents something far deeper about the powerful potential of this candle.

With a burning time of approximately nine hours, Tara inspires the sort of relaxed interactions that come from conversations that are not dictated by time, but rather by desire. As Tara’s flames flit back and forth from the right side to the left, so too will the connections made by the people sharing in her glow.

All candles bring life to their surroundings. Alusi® Tara goes beyond the simple flickering of light to inspire a free-flowing personal exchange that echoes the precision and intensity of her flame’s movement. You can enjoy Tara and the full Alusi® line today – simply visit our Store Finder to locate a retailer near you.